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Hasler type maskin stempler

Hasler inc produces postal meter machines and is still in the business


 Type H2 Tokyo Central Japan 18/5-1960 maskine no GH1 165 yen  

Type H4 Akasaka Japan 24/9-1968 maskine no GH387 55 yen

Type H10 Nihonbashitori Japan 22/8-1970 maskine no H1163 50 yen

Type H11 Ibaraki Japan 12/9-1972 maskine no GH 1813 100 yen

Type H13 Osaki Nippon 12/12-1986 maskine GH 2702 420 yen

Type H13 Yushu Kaikan-nai Nippon 27/6-1990 maskine GH 5500 190 yen

Type H15 Tokyo Japan 14/10-1975 maskine GH 116 30 yen

Type H23 Suginami Minami Nippon 27/12-1991 maskine HE 55 70 yen med reklamebilled fra Japan Philatilic Co.

Type H25 Tokyo Nippon 20/4-1994 maskine HA133 110 yen

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