
This is revenue for tobacco duty. The series was issued in November 1875. On the top in the center is the chrysanthemum crest (symbol of the emperor). Below that four characters "tobako inshi" - tobacco duty. Further down two characters - in this case 6 rin. In the center is mount Fuji with two tobacco plants around. The symbols in the corners at the top and the bottom are different for each value. The revenues series was in use to 1898. These stamps are often seen today as the use of tobacco was large. The stamps shown below are from the 1883. A table with the serie is below.

Values 2 rin, 3 rin, 5 rin, 8 rin, 1 sen, 1 sen 6 rin

Values 4 rin, 8 rin, 1.sen 2 rin, 2 sen, 3 sen, 2 sen 4 rin

The 1875 series has 4 values (above is 5 rin) found perforated and rouletted

5 rin slate
1 sen brown
5 sen blue green
10 sen carmine

The 1883 series is found with  perforated from 8 to 14 and imperforated. In 1883 they were imperforated. In 1884 a new print with erforation 9-10. In 1889 a new print with perforation 12-13. It consist of:

2 rin black
3 rin light brown
4 rin yellow
6 rin red brown
8 rin yellow green
(9 rin light blue - only found as specimem)
1 sen light blue
1 sen 2 rin brown
1 sen 6 rin pink
1 sen 8 rin purple
2 sen orange
2 sen 4 rin sage green
3 sen dark blue
3 sen 2 rin gray
4 sen olive green
4 sen 8 rin brown violet
6 sen violet
6 sen 4 rin vermilion
8 sen red

Shimomura 2003 page 10-14

Furuya 2011 page 50-58

Tobacco duty was also paid using band-type stamps - not included here.




perforate 9


perforate 11.5


2 rin black

3 rin light brown

4 rin yellow
6 rin red brown
8 rin yellow green  
1 sen light blue
1 sen 2 rin brown
1 sen 6 rin pink  
1 sen 8 rin purple ?? non-existence
2 sen orange
2 sen 4 rin sage green ?? non-existence
3 sen dark blue
3 sen 2 rin gray   non-existence non-existence
4 sen olive green   non-existence

4 sen 8 rin brown violet


non-existence non-existence

6 sen violet

  ?? non-existence

6 sen 4 rin vermilion

  non-existence non-existence
8 sen red
  non-existence non-existence

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